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eMamba  Productions

Provide entertainment  fields talent and investment option for movies and TV series.

eMamba  started with this simple premise: the world is complex but your customer care function needn’t be.


We are building our business on the understanding that people want their problems solved quickly and accurately. They want to be treated with respect. They want a knowledgeable person to take their calls. They want their equipment  repaired properly the first time so.

People are complex. So is their equipment. But solving their problems needn’t be. That’s why eMamba’s Customer Care process is streamlined to be simpler.​

About Us

eMamba Customer Service Solution

eMamba Provide Call Center, Forward / Reverse Logistic and Depot Services for 11 different industries. Please contact us for detail

eMamba DRM solution for entertainment  field

World first open source CRM with build in Microsoft DRM (Digital Rights Management) solution for entertainmnet business and applcation company.

Tel: 206-350-7494







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